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Kind of documents

All national patent documents published by the Intellectual Property Office are published on the RS Publication Server.

A1     Patent application with search report
A/A2  Patent application without search report
A3     Separate search report
B       Registred patents
U       Petty patent  (MP)

Updates of the RS publication server

RS Publication Server is updated on a two months basis along with Intellectual Property Gazette. Publication dates of the documents are the publication dates of Intellectual Property Gazettes in which these documents are published.

Syntax for the retrieval of RS patent documents

Country code:
All patent documents published in the Intellectual Property Gazette, conclusively with the number 3/2006 (publication date: 17.08.2006) have the country code YU. Patent documents published after the mentioned date have the country code RS. The Server users are adviced, in cases when unsure about the document publication date to type the number of the patent document without the code of the country.

The search allows several different criteria that follow a specific syntax as follows:

Publication number:
The syntax should be country code + publication number.
You can key in or not a space between the country code and the publication number
(e.g.: YU45678 or YU 45678 for patents and RS 20110071 or RS20110071 for published patent applications). You can also key in or not the country code and the leading zero.

Application number:
The syntax should be country code + application number.
You can key in or not a space between the country code and the application number
(e.g.: RS20090050 or RS 20090050).
Application number for the application until 2004 consists of three to six digits. First one to four digits is the number and last two digits are year (e.g.: 438 or 40404 or 124576).
Application number for the application from 2005 consists of eight digits, first four are year and last four numbers (e.g.: 20050010 or 20070998).
You can also key in or not the country code.

IPC Symbol:
The search in the IPC field is conducted on the IPC Class as published on the patent document (e.g. A61K 31/12 or C07C 110/43).
It is possible to search on the IPC class using truncation as follows (e.g. A61K or C07C 110).

Publication date:
Select via the list box if you want to search using a particular publication date (during) or a range (between). Then select the year and week using the list boxes.

Kind of document:
Select the kind of codes you want to search by ticking the corresponding checkbox.

Operators available for searching
The operator "OR" can be used in the Publication number or Application number search field: 861638 OR 897716 OR 912145.

WIPO standards

For more information about WIPO standards, please consult: http://www.wipo.int/standards/en/part_03.html